Artists Statement

I paint as often and as much as I can. I take classes when I can afford it, but the money usually goes to buy more art supplies. This blog is to share the results with you! I am a Work in Progress.

Dianne Lanning Fine

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Closer and closer to that precious day,

Window, St Margaret's chapel; watercolor, 2.5X6"
This is a "souvenir" I painted of a trip through Scotland. I wish my little watercolor could do it justice. I'd seen a lot of impressive stone piles, but this tiny stone room, all by itself off to the side at Edinburgh Castle, said it all much better. The subject is not Christmas, specifically, but the feeling is there.


  1. Hi Dianne, I wish you too a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! A hug!

  2. Dear Dianne:) At first I thought it was a real glass in lead window! I love it. It def has the Christmas feeling. Have lovely days:)

    1. Thanks! I sketched there in the chapel, but also got a photo to get the colors right later. It really helped. I'm thinking of trying it again to make the form of the knight clearer. He is like a puzzle, but his form needs to be more defined.
